Kenmare Estate: Killarney Division

November 1886 to c. May 1894 - Folios 501 - 1000

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ID Surname Forename Location 1 Location 2 Page Volume Cross reference Remarks
1 Horgan John D. Knockataggle Beg 'NA' 501 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 803 'NA'
2 Sheehan Peter Knockattagle Beg (Knockataggle Beg) 'NA' 502 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
3 Sheehan James Knockattagle Beg (Knockataggle Beg) 'NA' 502 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 18/1/1888
4 Killarney Board of Guardians 'NA' Knocktagglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 503 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
5 Horgan Danl. (Daniel) Knocktagglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 503 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
6 Driscoll Daniel Knockataglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 504 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
7 Horgan John J. Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 505 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
8 Horgan Daniel Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 506 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 840 'NA'
9 Ryan John Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 507 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Timothy Connor ? undertenant
10 Connor Timothy Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 507 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made undertenant 20/?/1894
11 Fleming David Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 508 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Died February 1893
12 Fleming, 'Widow' Mary Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 508 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' General Observations: 30 heifers alleged to belong to Mrs. Mary Fleming were seized on the mountain above Heally's farm under distress warrant 22 July 1891. Mrs. Fleming served a writ for illegal (illegible) which was settled by payment of £190 for value of cattle and damages, and £50 for costs. Cheques payable to D.W? Moriarty Solr. (Solicitor) 7 May 1892.
13 Moriarty D.W. ? Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 508 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Solicitor. Mentioned in General Remarks.
14 Heally (Healy) 'NA' Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 508 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Heally (Healy) farm mentioned in General Remarks.
15 Fleming Patrick Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 509 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
16 Healy John Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 510 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
17 Scannell John Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 510 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned twice on ledger pages.
18 Moriarty D. Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 510 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Solicitor. Mentioned on ledger page.
19 Healy Patrick Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 511 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
20 Driscoll Patrick Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 512 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
21 Killarney Board of Guardians 'NA' Knocktaggle-more (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 513 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
22 Horgan John Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 513 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
23 Sullivan Timothy Daniel Knockauncore 'NA' 514 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
24 Kerrisk ? Timothy Knockauncore 'NA' 514 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 1/5/1890
25 Sullivan Michael John Knockauncore 'NA' 515 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
26 Keane Andrew Knockauncore 'NA' 516 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
27 Sullivan Michael Timothy Knockauncore 'NA' 517 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 846 'NA'
28 Sheehan D. Knockauncore 'NA' 517 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in small writing on ledger page.
29 McCarthy Patrick Andrew Knockauncore 'NA' 518 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
30 Flemming Patrick Knockauncore 'NA' 518 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Under Tenant.
31 Sullivan Timothy Knockauncore 'NA' 519 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
32 O'Connor J.J. Knockauncore 'NA' 519 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in small writing on ledger.
33 Rahilly John Knockearagh 'NA' 520 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 522 'NA'
34 McSweeny James Knockearagh 'NA' 520 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 522 'NA'
35 Riordan John Knockearagh 'NA' 521 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' "Refused to repair the fences in/on ? on 14 June 1887"
36 Rahilly Thomas Knockearagh 'NA' 522 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 520 'NA'
37 McSweeney (McSweeny) James Knockearagh 'NA' 522 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 522 Made tenant 13/1/1886
38 Kissane Jerh. (Jeremiah) Knockearagh 'NA' 523 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'Reps of'
39 Kissane Thomas J. Knockearagh 'NA' 523 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant November 4th 1893
40 Kissane Thomas Knockearagh 'NA' 524 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
41 Horgan Matt (Matthew) Knockearagh 'NA' 524 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
42 Shea Timothy Knockearagh 'NA' 525 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Lease dated 9th October 1873 for 41 years and the life of John Shea, son of leasee.
43 Shea John Knockearagh 'NA' 525 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Son of Timothy Shea.
44 Horgan John Knockearagh 'NA' 526 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 806 'NA'
45 Daly Jerh (Jeremiah) Knockearagh 'NA' 526 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Took the grazing of two yearlings for sons.
46 Sullivan John Knockearagh 'NA' 527 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 818 Reps of
Married to Ellen
47 Sullivan, 'Widow' Ellen Knockearagh 'NA' 527 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married to John Sullivan (first marriage)
Married Michael Tagney 14/2/1893
48 Tagney Michael Knockearagh 'NA' 527 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 818 Married Widow Ellen Sullivan 14/2/1893

In General Observations: 14/2/93 Michael Tagney was this day made tenant on his marriage with Ellen Sullivan W. (Widow) Mrs. Tagney is to hold the farm for 3 years also the 7 cows and a heifer ? on the lands. On the expiration of the three years are (sic.) to hand over the lands and stock to Michael Tagney. (Remaining text illegible)
49 Byrnes Thomas Knockearagh 'NA' 528 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 808 Mentioned in General Comments:
Batt (Bartholomew) Twohalane, House and Haggard
Michael Sullivan, House and Haggard
Denis Sullivan, House and Haggard
James Coakley, House
50 Twohalane Batt. (Bartholomew) Knockearagh 'NA' 688 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 723 'NA'
51 Twohalane Batt. (Bartholomew) Knockearagh 'NA' 528 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
52 Sullivan Michael Knockearagh 'NA' 528 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
53 Sullivan Denis Knockearagh 'NA' 528 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
54 Sullivan Denis Knockearagh 'NA' 528 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
55 Coakley James Knockearagh 'NA' 528 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
56 Twohalane Batt. (Bartholomew) Knockearagh 'NA' 529 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 814 'NA'
57 Sullivan Michael Knockearagh 'NA' 530 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
58 Sullivan Denis Knockearagh 'NA' 531 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
59 Sullivan John Knockearagh 'NA' 531 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
60 Sullivan John Denis Knockearagh 'NA' 531 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 22/11/1894
61 Coakley Michael Knockearagh 'NA' 532 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
62 Sullivan Michael Knockearagh 'NA' 533 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
63 Coakley James Knockearagh 'NA' 534 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
64 Connell Daniel Knockearagh 'NA' 535 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
65 Connell Michael Knockearagh 'NA' 535 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 11th April 1892
66 Sullivan John Knockeenalicka (Knockeennalicka) 'NA' 536 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
67 Neill James Knockeenalicka (Knockeennalicka) 'NA' 537 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' General Observations: This holding was sold by auction at the courthouse, Killarney on the 2nd March 1893 to Cornelius Sheehan, was declared purchaser at £510.
68 Sheehan Cornelius Knockeenalicka (Knockeennalicka) 'NA' 537 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 2nd July 1893
General Observations: This holding was sold by auction at the courthouse, Killarney on the 2nd March 1893 to Cornelius Sheehan, was declared purchaser at £510.
69 Sullivan John Knockeenalicka (Knockeennalicka) 'NA' 538 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
70 Sullivan Mary Knockeenalicka (Knockeennalicka) 'NA' 538 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
71 McCarthy Cornelius Knockeenalicka (Knockeennalicka) 'NA' 539 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Value of tenancy £230
72 Killarney Board of Guardians 'NA' Knockeenalicka (Knockeennalicka) 'NA' 540 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Labourer's lot taken from James Neill's holding.
73 Neil James Knockeenalicka (Knockeennalicka) 'NA' 540 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
74 Deane Alex (Alexander) Knockeenduff 'NA' 541 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' In General Observations: 7/3/1894 J.? Cooper the last life on this lease died on the 15th March 1893.
75 Deane Jervis Knockeenduff 'NA' 541 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
76 Cooper J. (?) Knockeenduff 'NA' 541 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Died 15/3/1893
77 Cooper James Knockeenduff 'NA' 541 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned at top of ledger
78 Cooper Clement Knockeenduff 'NA' 541 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned at top of ledger
79 Cooper John Knockeenduff 'NA' 541 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned at top of ledger
80 Cronin Batt. (Bartholomew) Knockmanagh Killarney 542 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 548 General Observations: 11th May 1887 Thomas Rahilly found this tenant driving his cattle on Horgan evicted farm.
81 Rahilly Thomas Knockmanagh 'NA' 542 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
82 Coakley Denis Knocknahoe Knockmanagh 543 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
83 Coakley John Knocknahoe Knockmanagh 544 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
84 Sullivan Patrick Knockmanagh Killarney 545 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
85 Horgan Mathew Knockmanagh 'NA' 546 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
86 Lyne Patrick Knockmanagh 'NA' 547 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
87 Cronin Patrick Knockmanagh Knocknahoe 548 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 542, 563 'NA'
88 Cronin Batt. (Bartholomew) Knockmanagh Knocknahoe 548 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 542, 563 'NA'
89 Sullivan D. Knockmanagh Knocknahoe 548 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned re. grazing
90 Leary Patrick Knockmanagh Killarney 549 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' General Observations: 11th May 1887 Thomas Rahilly found this tenant driving his cattle to feed on the evicted farm of Horgans.
Persists in feeding evicted farm.
91 Rahilly Thomas Knockmanagh Killarney 549 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
92 Cooper Michael Knockmanagh 'NA' 550 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Lease dated 22nd February 1873 for 41 years and one life from 1st November 1872.
93 Carroll David Knockmanagh Kilcummin 551 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
94 Carroll Cornelius Knockmanagh Kilcummin 551 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant on his marriage with Ellen Ryan on the 3/2/1888.
95 McCarthy Denis Knockmanagh 'NA' 552 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
96 O'Brien Bryan Knockmanagh 'NA' 553 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 841 'NA'
97 Cahill John Knockmanagh 'NA' 554 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
98 Sullivan Thomas Knockmanagh 'NA' 555 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
99 Sullivan John Knockmanagh 'NA' 556 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
100 Flynn John Knockmanagh 'NA' 557 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 847 'NA'
101 Foley Robert Knockmanagh 'NA' 558 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
102 Houran Patrick Knockmanagh 'NA' 559 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
103 Sullivan Michael Knockmanagh Killarney 560 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
104 Lyne John Knockmanagh 'NA' 561 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
105 Lyne John W. Knockmanagh 'NA' 562 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
106 Cronin Patk. (Patrick) Knockmanagh Knocknahoe 563 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 548 'NA'
107 Rahilly Thomas Knockmanagh Knocknahoe 563 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations.
108 Sullivan Mary Knocknahoe 'NA' 564 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
109 Sullivan Patrick Knocknahoe 'NA' 564 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 24/11/1894
110 Kerrisk, 'Widow' Margaret Knocknahoe 'NA' 565 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
111 O'Connor, 'Widow' Mary Knocknahoe 'NA' 566 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
112 Rahilly John Knocknahoe 'NA' 567 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
113 Kearney Michael Knocknahoe Edenderry 568 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of.
Died 8th May 1893.
114 Donoghue Cornelius Knocknahoe 'NA' 569 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of.
Died 24/12/1888
Father of Hugh Donoghue.
115 Donoghue Hugh Knocknahoe 'NA' 569 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Son of Cornelius Donoghue.
116 Donoghue Timy (Timothy, Timmy) Knocknahoe 'NA' 570 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married to Nora Donoghue
117 Donoghue, 'Widow' Nora Knocknahoe 'NA' 570 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married to Timy (Timmy, Timothy) Donoghue.
118 Sullivan Ellen Knocknahoe 'NA' 570 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations.
119 Gallivan (Galvin) Thos. (Thomas) Knocknahoe 'NA' 570 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations.
120 Rahilly John Knocknahoe 'NA' 570 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations.
121 Donoghue Hugh Knocknahoe 'NA' 570 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations.
122 Cahill Daniel Knocknahoe 'NA' 571 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 809 'NA'
123 Cahill James Knocknahoe 'NA' 571 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 809 Made tenant 22/7/1887
124 Connor Cornelius Knocknahoe 'NA' 572 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
125 Connor Thomas Knocknahoe 'NA' 573 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
126 Sullivan, 'Widow' Mary Knocknahoe 'NA' 574 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 812 'NA'
127 Connor John Knocknahoe 'NA' 575 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
128 Cahill James Knocknahoe 'NA' 576 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
129 Cahill Kate (Kathleen) Knocknahoe 'NA' 576 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
130 Cahill Patrick Knocknahoe 'NA' 576 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant on his marriage with E. Healy 25/1/1893
131 Healy E. Knocknahoe 'NA' 576 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married Patrick Cahill 25/1/1893
132 O'Sullivan Joseph Knocknahoe 'NA' 577 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
133 O'Sullivan Patk. (Patrick) Knocknahoe 'NA' 577 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant on his marriage to Margaret O'Donoghue 27/2/1892
134 O'Donoghue Margaret Knocknahoe 'NA' 577 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married Partick O'Sullivan 27/2/1892
135 Sullivan Timothy T. Knocknahoe 'NA' 579 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
136 Killarney Board of Guardians 'NA''NA' Knocktaggle - beg (Knockataggle Beg) 'NA' 580 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Labourer's lot taken from John D. Horgan's holding.
137 Horgan John D. Knocktaggle - beg (Knockataggle Beg) 'NA' 580 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
138 Sullivan Daniel Patrick Knocknaskeha 'NA' 581 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
139 Murphy, 'Widow' 'NA' Knocknaskeha 'NA' 581 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations.
140 Sullivan Danl. (Daniel) Knocknaskeha 'NA' 582 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
141 Sullivan, 'Widow' Mary Knocknaskeha 'NA' 582 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
142 Sullivan John Knocknaskeha 'NA' 582 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 1/12/1893
143 Sullivan Denis Knocknaskeha 'NA' 583 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
144 Sullivan Jeremiah Knocknaskeha 'NA' 583 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 28/10/1893
145 Carroll Denis Knocknaskeha 'NA' 584 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
146 Carroll, 'Widow' Mary Knocknaskeha 'NA' 584 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
147 Carroll Danl. (Daniel) Knocknaskeha 'NA' 584 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
148 Gallivan (Galvin) Patrick Knocknaskeha 'NA' 585 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
149 Gallivan (Galvin) Denis Knocknaskeha 'NA' 585 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
150 Gallivan, 'Widow' Catherine Knocknaskeha 'NA' 585 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
151 Leary Timothy Knocknaskeha 'NA' 586 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
152 Cronin Patrick Knocknaskeha 'NA' 587 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 807 'NA'
153 McCarthy Cornelius Knocknaskeha 'NA' 588 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
154 Shea Roger Knocknaskeha 'NA' 588 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations.
155 Leary Con. (Cornelius) Knocknaskeha 'NA' 588 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations.
156 O'Leary John Knockreer 'NA' 589 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
157 Horgan May Knockmanagh 'NA' 590 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
158 Cremmin Mary Knockmanagh 'NA' 590 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 1/11/1893
159 Cronin John Lackabane 'NA' 591 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
160 Courtney James Lackabane 'NA' 592 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
161 O'Leary John Lackabane 'NA' 593 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
162 Cremmin (Cremin) Denis Knockauncore 'NA' 594 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
163 Leary Jeremiah Lissyviggeen Quary 595 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 25/3/1896 Jeremiah Lynch is paying this lot.
164 Lynch Jeremiah Lissyviggeen 'NA' 595 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned as paying this lot.
165 Lynch John Lissyviggeen 'NA' 596 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 842 'NA'
166 Keeffe Arthur Lissyviggeen 'NA' 597 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
167 Moynihan Patrick Lissyviggeen 'NA' 598 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
168 Fitzgerald Daniel Lissyviggeen 'NA' 599 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
169 Leary Daniel Lissyviggeen 'NA' 600 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
170 Cronin Margaret Lissyviggeen 'NA' 601 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
171 Cronin Michael Lissyviggeen 'NA' 601 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 6/2/1890
172 Counihan John Lissyviggeen 'NA' 602 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
173 Donoghue Patrick Lissyviggeen 'NA' 602 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant on his marriage with Hanoria Counihan 7/2/1890
174 Counihan Hanoria Lissyviggeen 'NA' 602 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married Patrick Donoghue on 7/2/1890
175 Finnigan (Finnegan) Owen Lissyviggeen 'NA' 603 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
176 Sullivan Patrick Lissyviggeen 'NA' 604 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
177 Moynihan John Lissyviggeen Lissyviggeen 605 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 839 'NA'
178 Curtayne Mary D. Lissyviggeen 'NA' 606 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 610 In General Observations: Mrs. Mary E. Curtayne is to have the house lot free of rent for her life, see agreement dated 13/12/1890.
179 Curtayne Mary E. Lissyviggeen 'NA' 606 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General observations.
180 Coltsman D.C. Lissyviggeen 'NA' 606 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 610 Undertenant
181 Donoghue John Lissyviggeen 'NA' 606 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant
182 Sullivan Patrick Lissyviggeen 'NA' 606 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 610 Undertenant
183 Keeffe Arthur Lissyviggeen 'NA' 607 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
184 Scannell Eugene Lissyviggeen 'NA' 608 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
185 Glaveen John Lissyviggeen 'NA' 609 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 22 Sept 1888 Daniel Donoghue took the paying of part of this land until xmas for £4 and ?? The claim on Donoghue's cattle.

John McSweeny has the grazing of the portion of this farm south of the public road until 8th May 1890 for 2.5.0. (28th Sept. 1889) He paid 2.3.0 this May and his cattle will be safe from ? By me until 8th May 1890.
186 Donoghue Daniel Lissyviggeen 'NA' 609 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 22 Sept 1888 Daniel Donoghue took the paying of part of this land until xmas for �4 and ?? The claim on Donoghue's cattle.
187 McSweeny John Lissyviggeen 'NA' 609 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' John McSweeny has the grazing of the portion of this farm south of the public road until 8th May 1890 for 2.5.0. (28th Sept. 1889) He paid 2.3.0 this May and his cattle will be safe from ? By me until 8th May 1890.
188 Coltsman Daniel C. Lissyviggeen 'NA' 610 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 606 Mentioned in General observations: List of undertenants. Daniel Donoghue holding let to him from 1 October 1884 at £35 a year by Mr. D.C. Coltsman.
Patrick Sullivan holding let to him at £34 a year from 1 May 1874.
Patrick Sullivan was evicted by Mr. D.C. Coltsman for non payment of rent on the 26th September 1889 and let back as caretaker.
189 Donoghue Daniel Lissyviggeen 'NA' 610 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General observations: List of undertenants. Daniel Donoghue holding let to him from 1 October 1884 at £35 a year by Mr. D.C. Coltsman.
190 Sullivan Patrick Lissyviggeen 'NA' 610 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General observations:
Patrick Sullivan holding let to him at £34 a year from 1 May 1874.
Patrick Sullivan was evicted by Mr. D.C. Coltsman for non payment of rent on the 26th September 1889 and let back as caretaker.
191 Curtayne 'Mrs.' Lissyviggeen 'NA' 610 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 606 Mentioned in ledger.
192 Donoghue Daniel Lissyviggeen Clash 611 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 17/3/1891
General Observations:
20th February 1891 Daniel Donoghue of Clash purchased the evicted tenant's interest in this farm on this date for £156. Paid tenant £78-6-4, rates and taxes £21-7-4, Office �56-6-4.
193 Sullivan Patrick Lissyviggeen 'NA' 611 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant
194 Donoghue Daniel Lissyviggeen Ballycasheen 612 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' General Observations: Tenant served a notice to have a fair rent fixed on the 4th March 1893. He came in for hearing on 17 January 1894 af Killarney and was "Struck Out" the Comm. (commisioner?) holding that Donoghue was a "future tenant" within the meaning of the Act.
195 Dillon, 'Rev.' M.A. Clash 'NA' 613 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Site of Schoolmaster's House and plot adjoining.
196 Leary Patrick Mastergeeha 'NA' 614 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Died October 1891
197 Leary Kate Mastergeeha 'NA' 614 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
198 Cahalane Thomas Mastergeeha 'NA' 615 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
199 Brennan Daniel Mastergeeha 'NA' 616 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
200 Kearin, 'Widow' Mary Mastergeeha 'NA' 617 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
201 Horgan John Mastergeeha 'NA' 618 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
202 Leary Michael Mastergeeha 'NA' 619 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
203 Burke Michael Mastergeeha 'NA' 620 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
204 Devane Daniel Mastergeeha 'NA' 621 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
205 Devane John Mastergeeha 'NA' 622 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
206 McCarthy Timothy Mastergeeha 'NA' 623 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
207 Mahony Catherine Mastergeeha 'NA' 624 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
208 McCarthy Andrew Mastergeeha 'NA' 625 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
209 McCarthy Denis Mastergeeha 'NA' 626 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
210 Neill John Mastergeeha 'NA' 627 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
211 Neill Daniel Mastergeeha 'NA' 627 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
212 Neill Johanna Mastergeeha 'NA' 627 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned at top of ledger. Lease granted 3/2/1874 for 21 years from 1st November 1873.
213 Connor Timothy Knockauncore 'NA' 628 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
214 McCarthy Timothy Lyreatough Kilcummin 629 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
215 Moynihan Cornelius Lyreatough Kilcummin 630 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
216 McCarthy Andrew Lyreatough Kilcummin 631 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
217 McCarthy, 'Widow' Julia Mastergeeha Lyreatough 632 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
218 Culloty Timothy Mastergeeha Lyreatough 633 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 634, 843 'NA'
219 Culloty Timothy Mastergeeha 'NA' 634 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 633, 843 'NA'
220 Buckley Hannah Mastergeeha 'NA' 635 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
221 McSweeny John Mastergeeha 'NA' 647 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
222 McSweeny Daniel Mastergeeha 'NA' 647 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made undertenant 21st October 1889
223 McSweeny Peter Mastergeeha 'NA' 648 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 848 'NA'
224 McSweeny, 'Widow' Margaret Mastergeeha 'NA' 648 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
225 Connor Jeremiah Mastergeeha 'NA' 649 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
226 Doolan Edmund Mastergeeha 'NA' 650 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 817 'NA'
227 Flemming Timothy Mastergeeha 'NA' 651 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
228 Connor Patrick Mastergeeha 'NA' 652 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
229 Flemming William Mastergeeha 'NA' 653 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
230 Leary John Mastergeeha 'NA' 654 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
231 Buckley Thomas Mastergeeha 'NA' 655 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant July 31st 1894
232 McSweeny Daniel Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 656 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 849 Reps
233 McSweeny John Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 656 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
234 Donnelly Michael Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 656 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
235 Riordan John Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 656 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
236 Carroll Daniel Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 656 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General observations.
237 McCarthy Thade Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 656 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General observations.
238 Cronin James Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 656 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General observations.
239 McCarthy Charles Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 656 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General observations.
240 McSweeny Julia Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 656 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General observations.
241 MacSweeny (McSweeny) Myles Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 674 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
242 McSweeny Hannoria Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 674 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
243 McSweeny Danl. (Daniel) Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 674 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
244 Brennan Daniel Maulyarcane (Maulyarkane) 'NA' 674 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
245 Sullivan Batt. (Bartholomew) Rahanane 'NA' 689 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 723 'NA'
246 Sullivan Jeremiah Rahanane 'NA' 689 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 723 'NA'
247 Moynihan Darby Minish 'NA' 690 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Died in the Workhouse in the Spring of 1891.
248 Sullivan Michael Minish Clasheens (Clasheen) 690 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' General Observations: Michael Sullivan of Clasheens (Clasheen) purchased this holding from the Widow Mary Moynihan after the death of her husband without the consent of the office 12th May 1891.
249 Moynihan. 'Widow' Mary Minish 'NA' 690 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
250 Glissane James Minish 'NA' 691 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
251 Aherne Bridget Minish 'NA' 692 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
252 Moynihan, 'Widow' Bridget Minish 'NA' 693 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 845 Remarks in general observations are illegible.
253 Moynihan Eugene Minish 'NA' 693 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 845 Made tenant on his marriage with Hanoria Houlihan 3/2/1891.
254 Houlihan Hanoria Minish 'NA' 693 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married Eugene Moynihan 3/2/1891
255 Cournane William C. Minish 'NA' 694 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
256 Cournane William Minish 'NA' 695 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of

Son of Mary Cournane.
257 Cournane Patrick Minish 'NA' 695 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
258 Cournane Mary Minish 'NA' 695 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of

Died 18th September 1892
259 Cournane Daniel Minish 'NA' 696 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
Died 29th October 1894
260 Cournane Mattew Minish 'NA' 696 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant
261 Glissane Maurice Minish 'NA' 697 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
262 Scannell Solomon Minish 'NA' 698 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
263 Sullivan Patrick Thomas Minish 'NA' 699 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
264 Sullivan, 'Widow' Johanna Minish 'NA' 699 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
265 Sullivan Patrick Thomas Minish 'NA' 700 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
266 Sullivan, 'Widow' Johanna Minish 'NA' 700 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
267 Horan James Minish 'NA' 701 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 708 Died December 1891
General Observations: rent reduced by £1.5.0 per annum for a field taken from this holding (with the consent of tenant) let to Patrick Russel from 1 May 1892 (see folio 708)
268 Horan, 'Widow' Bridget Minish 'NA' 701 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
269 Russell Patk. (Patrick) Minish 'NA' 701 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 708 Mentioned in General observations.
270 Aherne, 'Widow' Margaret Minish 'NA' 702 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Died 29th October 1888
271 Aherne Michael Minish 'NA' 702 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 27th May 1890
272 McCarthy Michael Minish 'NA' 703 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Value of tenancy £90.0.0
273 Sullivan Patrick D. Minish 'NA' 704 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Value of tenancy £160
274 Sullivan Daniel Minish 'NA' 704 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant on his marriage to Margaret Donoghue 1/2/1893
275 Donoghue Margaret Minish 'NA' 704 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married to Daniel Sullivan
276 Fourhane John Minish 'NA' 705 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
277 Fernane Murty Minish 'NA' 705 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
278 Loughnane Michael Minish 'NA' 705 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant. Living in slate house built by Lord Kenmare.
279 Kelly Edmund D. Minish 'NA' 706 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
280 Kelly Bryan Minish 'NA' 707 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
281 Kelly Laurence / Lawrence Minish 'NA' 707 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 27/12/1893
282 Russell Patrick Minish 'NA' 708 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 701 General Observations: Patrick Russell was this day made tenant of a field (formerly in possession and included in Reps Jas. Horan's holding [p.701]) @ £1:5:0 per year from 1st May '92. Dated this 9th November 1892. M. Leonard.
283 Horan Jas. (Jason) Minish 'NA' 708 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in general observations.
284 Leonard M. (Maurice) Minish 'NA' 708 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Maurice Leonard was an agent for the Kenamre Estate from 1885.
285 Morris Geoffrey Moyeightragh 'NA' 709 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Rent to be abated 3/' a year from May '92 for land taken by railway.
286 Beaumont Edward Moyeightragh 'NA' 710 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
287 Hayes Jeremiah High St., Killarney Moyeightragh 710 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 5/4/1891
288 Eagan John Moyeightragh 'NA' 711 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
289 Mahony Thomas McD Moyeightragh 'NA' 712 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
290 McDonagh F. Moyeightragh 'NA' 712 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' In General Observations: Mr. F. McDonagh claims an allowance for an acre of land taken by Railway.
291 Buckley Timothy Moyeightragh 'NA' 713 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
292 Falvey Hugh Moyeightragh 'NA' 714 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of.
In General Observations: Payable by The Sisters of Mercy
293 The Sisters of Mercy 'NA' Moyeightragh 'NA' 714 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Paying the rent of Hugh Falvey
294 Courtney John Moyeightragh 'NA' 715 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
295 Murphy Michael Moyeightragh 'NA' 716 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
296 McDermott R.M. A. Park House 'NA' 717 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
297 Donovan C. Rahanane 'NA' 719 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
298 Mahony Margaret Rahanane 'NA' 719 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married to Cornelius Mahony
299 Mahony Con (Cornelius) Rahanane 'NA' 719 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married to Margaret Mahony (formerly Widow Margaret Donovan married to C. Donovan)
300 Donovan, 'Widow' Margaret Rahanane 'NA' 719 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Widow of C. Donovan. Remarried Cornelius Mahony.
301 Mahony John Rahanane 'NA' 720 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 804, 805 General Observations: Undertenant Jerh. (Jeremiah) Mahony.
On the 10th June 1887 Con Mahony was made tennant of the 5 fields in the left hand saide of the Old land at the yearly rent of £7 from 1 May 1884.
302 Mahony Cornelius Rahanane 'NA' 720 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 804, 805 General Observations: Undertenant Jerh. (Jeremiah) Mahony.
On the 10th June 1887 Con Mahony was made tennant of the 5 fields in the left hand saide of the Old land at the yearly rent of £7 from 1 May 1884.
303 Mahony Jerh. (Jeremiah) Rahanane 'NA' 720 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant
304 Mahony Kate Rahanane 'NA' 720 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in general observations.
305 Sheehan Thade Rahanane 'NA' 721 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
306 Sheehan Denis Rahanane 'NA' 721 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 2nd November 1889.
307 Sheehan Ellen Rahanane 'NA' 722 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
308 Sullivan John B. Rahanane 'NA' 723 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 688, 689 Holding divided: see pages 688 and 689.
Jeremiah and Batt Sullivan and John Barry tenants in possession.
309 Sullivan Jeremiah Rahanane 'NA' 723 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 688, 689 Holding divided: see pages 688 and 689.
Jeremiah and Batt Sullivan and John Barry tenants in possession.
310 Sullivan Batt. (Bartholmew) Rahanane 'NA' 723 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 688, 689 Holding divided: see pages 688 and 689.
Jeremiah and Batt Sullivan and John Barry tenants in possession.
311 Barry John Rahanane 'NA' 723 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 688, 689 Holding divided: see pages 688 and 689.
Jeremiah and Batt Sullivan and John Barry tenants in possession.
312 Mangan William Rahanane 'NA' 724 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Went to America 8 years ago dated 9/8/1888
313 Greany David Rahanane 'NA' 724 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 10/8/1888
314 Sullivan John Daniel Rahanane 'NA' 725 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
315 Sullivan Jr. John Rahanane 'NA' 726 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' John Sullivan Snr gave over the possession of this farm to his son John Jr on his marriage to Bridget Mahony 6th July 1888.
316 Sullivan, Snr John Rahanane 'NA' 726 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
317 Moynihan Bridget Rahanane 'NA' 726 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married to John Sullivan Jr.
318 Healy David Rahanane 'NA' 727 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
319 Greany Eugene Rahanane 'NA' 727 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 11/1/1893
11/1/1893 On this date Eugene Greany gave £35 to David Healy for the good will of this farm.
320 Mahony Daniel Rahanane 'NA' 728 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 Reps of
321 Mahony John Rahanane 'NA' 728 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant on his marriage Julia ? 20th April 1890
322 Mahony Julia Rahanane 'NA' 728 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Married to John Mahony
323 Flemming David Rahanane 'NA' 729 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
324 Lughard, 'Colonel' 'NA' Ross Cottage 'NA' 730 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
325 Leahy, 'Widow' Johanna Scarteen 'NA' 731 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
326 Leahy John Scarteen 'NA' 731 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 25/11/1890
327 The Town Commissioners of Killarney 'NA' Scrahane Field no. 1 732 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 18th September 1883: Let at 10 ? (Shillings?) a month from 1 October1883.
328 Fleming John Scartlea 'NA' 733 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Died September 1890
329 Fleming Michael Scartlea 'NA' 733 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 29th October 1890
330 Loretto Nuns 'NA' Scartlea 'NA' 734 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
331 Mahony James Scrahan 'NA' 735 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
332 Moriarty, 'Miss' Moriarty Scrahan 'NA' 736 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
333 Leary Jerh. (Jeremiah) Scrahan 'NA' 737 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of.
334 Cricket Club 'NA' Scrahan 'NA' 737 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 3/5/1888 The Cricket Club paid £5 in relation to this field.
335 Leary Kate Scrahan 'NA' 737 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
336 Mahony David Scrahan 'NA' 737 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
337 Doran Henry Scrahan 'NA' 738 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
338 Moriarty, 'Miss' Helen Scrahan Roseville (Cottage) 739 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
339 Griffin, 'M.D.' Laurence Scrahan 'NA' 740 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' M.D.
340 Mahony Margaret Scrahan 'NA' 741 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
341 Downing P.C. Scrahan 'NA' 741 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned in General Observations
342 Moriarty, 'Miss' Helena Scrahan 'NA' 742 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
343 Hegarty Patrick Sheheree 'NA' 743 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
344 Cronin Coltsman Daniel Sheheree 'NA' 744 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Died Friday 23rd February 1894
345 Bernard E.M Scartlea Sheheree 745 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
346 Bernard Eustace M. Scartlea Sheheree 745 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 17 October 1889
347 Cronin, 'Widow' Mary Sheheree 'NA' 746 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 816 Value of tenancy £260.
348 Hurley D. Sheheree 'NA' 746 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned on ledger.
349 Cronin John Sheheree 'NA' 746 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned on ledger
350 Gallwey (Thomas) Sheheree 'NA' 746 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Agent
351 Brennan John Sheheree 'NA' 747 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
352 Curtayne J.D. Sheheree 'NA' 747 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
353 Casey Daniel Sheheree 'NA' 748 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
354 O' Connor J.J. Sheheree 'NA' 748 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned on ledger
355 Cronin P. Sheheree 'NA' 748 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Mentioned on ledger
356 Killarney Board of Guardians 'NA' Tiernaboul 'NA' 749 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Labourer's lot taken from Randal McSweeny's holding.
357 McSweeny Randal Tiernaboul 'NA' 749 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Labourer's lot taken from this holding.
358 Leary Daniel Tiernaboul 'NA' 750 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
359 Fenton Denis Tiernaboul 'NA' 751 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
360 McSweeny Randal Tiernaboul 'NA' 752 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
361 Sullivan Timothy Tiernaboul 'NA' 753 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
362 McCarthy John P. Tiernaboul 'NA' 754 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
363 Sullivan Daniel S. Tiernaboul 'NA' 755 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
364 Donoghue John Tiernaboul 'NA' 756 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Applied to Land Court to fix fair rent but case was dismissed for subletting to his son.
365 Donoghue Humphrey Tiernaboul 'NA' 757 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of.
Died 14th October 1889
366 Donoghue Hannoria Tiernaboul 'NA' 757 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 14/12/1889
367 Fleming Mary Tiernaboul 'NA' 758 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
368 Fleming Stephen Tiernaboul 'NA' 758 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 13th May 1891
369 Moynihan John Tiernaboul 'NA' 759 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
370 McCarthy John Tiernaboul 'NA' 760 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
371 Sullivan, 'Widow' Ellen Tiernaboul 'NA' 761 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' In General Observations: It was this day agreed between Ellen and Jerh. Connor that if Ellen Connor should die before Jerh. That her interest in these lands should go to him for his life. 7/8/1889
372 Connor, 'Widow' Ellen Tiernaboul 'NA' 761 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' In General Observations: It was this day agreed between Ellen and Jerh. Connor that if Ellen Connor should die before Jerh. That her interest in these lands should go to him for his life. 7/8/1889
373 Connor Jeremiah Tiernaboul 'NA' 761 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' In General Observations: It was this day agreed between Ellen and Jerh. Connor that if Ellen Connor should die before Jerh. That her interest in these lands should go to him for his life. 7/8/1889
374 Kissane Jeremiah Tiernaboul 'NA' 762 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
375 Fourhane Patrick Tiernaboul America 763 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Went to America with his whole family on the 20th April 1893.
376 O'Brien Jeremiah Tiernaboul 'NA' 764 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Father of Patrick O'Brien.
377 O'Brien Patrick Tiernaboul 'NA' 764 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Son of Jeremiah O'Brien
378 Kissane John Tiernaboul 'NA' 765 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
379 Donoghue James Tiernaboul 'NA' 766 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
380 Fitzgerald Denis Tiernaboul 'NA' 767 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
381 Kelliher John Tiernaboul 'NA' 768 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
382 Sullivan Denis P. Tiernaboul 'NA' 769 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Died 15th December 1892
383 Sullivan D. Tiernaboul 'NA' 769 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
384 Bourke Michael Tiernaboul 'NA' 770 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
385 Cronin John Tiernaboul 'NA' 771 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
386 Cronin Michael Tiernaboul 'NA' 772 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 837 'NA'
387 Forhane (Fourhane) Edward Tiernaboul 'NA' 773 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' In as caretaker re agreement 28/1/1878.
Made tenant 1st May 1893 at yearly rent of £1-0.0.
388 Gallivan (Galvin) Jeremiah Toormore 'NA' 774 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
389 Fogarty Daniel Toormore 'NA' 775 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
390 Moriarty Thade Toormore 'NA' 776 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
391 Cronin Patrick Toormore 'NA' 777 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 813 'NA'
392 Fleming John Toormore 'NA' 778 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
393 McCarthy Denis Toormore 'NA' 779 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
394 McCarthy, 'Mrs.' Julia Toormore 'NA' 779 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
395 Leary Michael Toormore 'NA' 779 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant
396 Walsh, 'Widow' Ellen Toormore 'NA' 779 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant
397 Walsh Mary Toormore 'NA' 779 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant
398 Moriarty Mary Toormore 'NA' 779 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant
399 Fleming John Toormore 'NA' 780 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
400 Fleming Michael John Toormore 'NA' 780 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
401 Linnnihan (Lenihan) Mary Toormore 'NA' 780 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant
402 McSweeny R. ? / B. ? Toormore 'NA' 780 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' This lease formerly in the possesion of R./B. McSweeny.
403 Leary John Toormore (House) 781 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
404 Dunleavy Michael Toormore 'NA' 782 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
405 Dunlea Michael Toormore 'NA' 782 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 17/12/1888
406 Sullivan Patrick (Jack) Toormore 'NA' 783 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
407 McSweeny Daniel Toormore 'NA' 784 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 811 'NA'
408 McSweeny Edmund Toormore 'NA' 785 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
409 Duggan Denis Toormore 'NA' 786 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
410 Lynch Danl. (Daniel) Toormore 'NA' 786 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 12th March 1894.
411 Scannell Jeremiah Tullorum Kilbreanmore (Kilbrean More) 788 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
412 Scannell John Tullorum Kilbreanmore (Kilbrean More) 789 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Rent fixed after site of Labourer's cottage was taken.
413 Leary Florence Tullorum Kilbreanmore (Kilbrean More) 790 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' This tenant sublet this holding to John Burke for £1 a year.
Florence Leary bought this holding in Mr. Gallwey's time for £10-0-0.
414 Burke John Tullorum 'NA' 790 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Subletting from Florence Leary
415 Gallwey 'NA' Tullorum 'NA' 790 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Land Agent
416 Wynne, 'Archdeacon' 'NA' Woodlawn House 'NA' 792 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
417 Moriarty Helena Woodlawn Town Field? 793 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' This field was let to E. (Edmund) Burns from 1st October 1886 at £20 a year.
418 Burns Edmund Woodlawn Town Field ? 793 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 20/3/87
419 Hayes Jeremiah Scrahan Ross Rd. 795 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Made tenant 24/10/1888.
Field in Ross Road formerly held by Rev. T.? Johnson.
420 Johnson, 'Rev.' T. ? Scrahan 'NA' 795 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
421 Killarney Board of Guardians 'NA' Scarteen 'NA' 796 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Labourer's lot taken from Johanna Leahy's holding.
422 Leahy Johanna Scarteen 'NA' 796 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
423 Killarney Board of Guardians 'NA' Scarteen 'NA' 797 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Labourer's lot taken from Johanna Leahy's holding.
424 Leahy Johanna Scarteen 'NA' 797 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
425 Duff John Rathanane 'NA' 798 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Bad house.
Made tenant 24/2/1891.
426 Webster Henry Ross Cottage 'NA' 799 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
427 Butcher Samuel H. Scrahan (Cricket Ground) Woodlawn 800 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Memorandum of agreement made 20th day of December 1890 between Lord Kenmare and Samuel Butcher. Yearly rent 1/0 to be paid every 1st November each year.
428 Kenmare, 'Lord' 'NA' Scrahan (Cricket Ground) Woodlawn 800 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
429 Curtayne Thomas Lower North Room Town Hall Palace Hotel, Killarney 801 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Agreement dated 13th January 1892 for room as monthly tenant 16/8 per month payable 1st of every month.
430 Scott, 'C.E.' Thomas Scrahan Priory, Garden Gate Lodge 802 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
431 Horgan John D. Knockattagle Beg (Knockataggle Beg) 'NA' 803 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 501 Rent fixed after site of cottage was taken.
432 Mahony John Rahanane 'NA' 804 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 720 'NA'
433 Mahony Cornelius Rahanane 'NA' 805 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 720 'NA'
434 Horgan John Knockearagh 'NA' 806 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 526 'NA'
435 Cronin Patrick Knocknaskeha 'NA' 807 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 587 'NA'
436 Byrnes Thomas Knockearagh 'NA' 808 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 528 'NA'
437 Cahill James Knocknahoe 'NA' 809 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 571 'NA'
438 Murphy Harry S. Glena 'NA' 810 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
439 McSweeny Daniel Toormore 'NA' 811 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 784 'NA'
440 Sullivan, 'Widow' Mary Knocknahoe 'NA' 812 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 574 'NA'
441 Cronin Patrick Toormore 'NA' 813 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 777 'NA'
442 Twohalane Batt. (Bartholomew) Knockearagh Kilcoolaght 814 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 529 'NA'
443 Benner John Main St., Killarney Town Hall 815 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
444 Cronin, 'Widow' Mary Sheheree 'NA' 816 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 746 'NA'
445 Doolan Edmund Mastergeeha 'NA' 817 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 650 'NA'
446 Tagney Michael Knockearagh 'NA' 818 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 527 'NA'
447 Casey Daniel Knockeenduff 'NA' 820 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
448 White Stephen Knockeenduff 'NA' 821 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 828, 831 The two lots (lots 1 and 2) made into one at the request of tenant 4th June 1894.
449 Walsh Maurice Knockeenduff 'NA' 822 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
450 Meara Cornelius Knockeenduff 'NA' 823 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
451 Lynch Mich. (Michael) Knockeenduff 'NA' 824 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Reps of
452 Lynch Patk. (Patrick) Knockeenduff 'NA' 824 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
453 Lynch John P. Knockeenduff 'NA' 825 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
454 Lynch Patrick J. Knockeenduff 'NA' 826 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
455 Leane Thomas Knockeenduff 'NA' 827 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 30/6/1894 Rent reduced by �1- for John Daly's lot.
456 Daly John Knockeenduff 'NA' 827 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
457 White Stephen Knockeenduff 'NA' 828 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 821, 831 Stephen White purchased the interest of this farm, formerly in occupation of Timy Mannix (Died) on 24th April 1894 at a public auction (J.J. O'Connor auctioneer) for £36. Paid £20 cash and bill for £16 due 4th August 1894. Condition of sale recited Rent £5.10.0. From 1st Nov 1893. Purchaser to be at liberty to go into Land Court to Fair Rent fixed. Purchaser money handed in office to Estate account.
458 Leary Daniel Knockeenduff 'NA' 829 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 29/6/1894 Rent reduced by 15 s a year for lot in the ? of William Dowde.
459 Lynch Patrick Knockeenduff 'NA' 830 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
460 Lynch Michl. (Michael) Knockeenduff 'NA' 830 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
461 Mannix Timothy Knockeenduff 'NA' 831 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 821, 828 Reps of
462 Leary Michael Knockeenduff 'NA' 832 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
463 Connor Michael Knockeenduff 'NA' 833 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
464 Daly John Knockeenduff 'NA' 834 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Was sub-tenant to Daniel Lane to whom he paid £1 per annum. 11 May 1894.
465 Lane Daniel Knockeenduff 'NA' 834 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
466 Leary Patrick Knockeenduff 'NA' 835 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Undertenant to Michael Leary of Knockeenduff up to the lease expiring. 12 May 1894.
467 Moynihan Cornelius Knockalibede (Knockalibade) 'NA' 836 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
468 Cronin Michael Tiernaboul 'NA' 837 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 772 'NA'
469 Dowde William Knockeenduff (Haggard) 'NA' 838 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' No house on this lot.
29/6/1894 Undertenant to Daniel Leary up to the falling in the lease.
470 Leary Daniel Knockeenduff 'NA' 838 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
471 Moynihan John Lissyviggeen 'NA' 839 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 605 'NA'
472 Horgan Daniel Knockattaglemore (Knockataggle More) 'NA' 840 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 506 'NA'
473 Brien Bryan Knockmanagh 'NA' 841 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 553 'NA'
474 Lynch John Lissyviggeen 'NA' 842 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 596 'NA'
475 Culloty Timothy Mastergeeha 'NA' 843 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 633 'NA'
476 Collins, 'Major' George Glena 'NA' 844 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Indian Staff Corps.
477 Moynihan Eugene Minish 'NA' 845 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 693 'NA'
478 Sullivan Michael T. Knockauncore 'NA' 846 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 517 'NA'
479 Flynn John Knockmanagh 'NA' 847 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 557 'NA'
480 McSweeney (McSweeny) Peter Mastergeeha 'NA' 848 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 648 'NA'
481 McSweeney (McSweeny) Daniel Maulyarcane 'NA' 849 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 656 'NA'
482 McGillycuddy John Fossa 'NA' 850 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Formerly grazing holding.
483 Killarney Guardians 'NA' Lissyviggeen 'NA' 851 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Labourer's lot
484 Great Southern and Western Railway 'NA' Ballydribbeen Kenmare 852 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' Compensation money obtained from the G.S. and W. Railway for land taken at Ballydribbeen for ballast purposes. Amt. £ (not specified) This ammount was invested by order of Court dated 21st February 1893.
485 Leahy Charles E. 'NA' 'NA' 853 Killarney Division Folios 501 - 1000 'NA' 'NA'
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